An overview of how a heat exchanger operates


Heat Exchangers are without a doubt one of the most essential and commonly utilized pieces of process equipment in industrial settings. Regardless of the sector, some sort of temperature management is going to be required, and heat exchangers are likely to play a role in this. In India, we are a major heat exchanger manufacturers. Heat exchangers, as the name indicates, are pieces of industrial equipment designed to exchange/transfer heat from one medium to another. They are used in industrial facilities&factories to maintain equipment/chemicals/water/gas&other substances at a safe working temperature. Heat exchangers can also be used to collect and transport steam or heat exhaust that is generated as a by-product of a process or activity so that the steam/heat can be utilized more efficiently&cost-effectively elsewhere.


Its process structure

This initial heat exchanger categorization technique pertains to whether the substances being exchanged come into direct touch with each other, or if they are separated by a physical barrier, like the walls of their tubes.

Direct Contact Heat Exchangers are a very efficient method of transmitting heat since the contact is direct. Rather than depending on radiant heat or convection, these heat exchangers put hot&cold fluids into direct contact within the tubes. If the hot&cold fluids are simply different temperature variations of the same fluid, this may be a viable alternative.

Indirect Contact Heat Exchangers physically separate the hot&cold fluids. They typically maintain hot&cold fluids in separate sets of pipes and rely on radiant radiation&convection to exchange heat. This is often done to prevent one fluid from contaminating or polluting the other.

Its Flow arrangement

Another important method to classify them is the configuration of the hot&cold fluid flows within the heat exchanger which is divided into categories

·        Parallel-flow: The fluids flow parallel to each other as they enter the heat exchanger from the same end.

·        Countercurrent-flow: The hot&cold fluids move toward one other when they enter the heat exchanger from opposing sides.

·        Cross-flow: The hot&cold fluids enter the heat exchanger at separate locations, and as they move through the heat exchanger, they cross paths with each other, typically at right angles.

Are you curious to know more about heat exchangers? What precisely do they do&how do they function? Please contact Warkin Equipment as we are a top India’s heat exchanger suppliers.


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